Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Focus on less self doubt and more confidence....

Based on my experience thus far, it seems that the key to success in this sport is to have less self doubt and more confidence...when i say that I mean, building yourself up, BELIEVING YOU CAN DO IT!, Pushing through no matter how shitty you feel that day, and toughing up when you feel like you cant take it no more... with confidence comes strength, self esteem, motivation and with self doubt potentially comes trouble and taking steps back...potentially putting you right back where you started... not only in this sport but in your life.. this weekend Saturday I turn 27 and I been spending time reflecting on where I am in my life versus the previous years and I can say I am confident, I love the way I look, the way I feel....and in turn alot of others things fall into place with marriage, relationships, friendships..etc... not realizing that this change has brought on many other positives which is amazing to me... today I wore a nice outfit today, it was hot today, nice summer day and previous I wouldnt wear it..still tag on, nice halter top and shorts very tasteful however because of the self doubt and the way I viewed my body which at the time I had a pooch... and kind of disproportioned which bothered me to the extremed  but today I can say that I rocked the hell out of I "owned" this.... and not in a stuck up way but in a confident of the way I look and the way I feel, it felt good and its almost like people feel that energy from you and recognize it...even strangers, because it isnt the norm, most folks kind of go with the flow, or if they are having a terrible day it shows...and it doesnt take away from them but why not take that energy and build on it... build it to where you can keep it moving... you would be amazed how differnt situations could be based on your reaction, now I definintely cant say that tommorow I will be doing this but I promised myself I would take baby steps and situations to where I wouldnt let it bother me... or at least not hold on to it forever...for what??? Its all a learning process.... and you would be suprised how people feed off of you....

few thoughts for yall....

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