So I am ready to snap...for some reason ppl think its funny to poke fun at the diet especially in the week before I am to it was funny before however not in the mood for BS.... today it came to fruition...I snapped on a co worker and dont feel regret...because a) they thought the shit was cute and b) who does that... thats like putting raw meat in front of a rotweiler or pitbull..."awww so cute" until he bites yo ass...then who gonna have some issues!!
Just finished cardio and eating food...hate staying up late to do it.... but it has to be done...two days of workouts then we just wait it know what else...when you gotta drink 2 gallons of water of think "oh this is easy..." fukk...i dayum near feel sick trying well finishing it before bed....... guess that shows how hydrated I was before...I bought 2 gallon jugs for each day to make sure I stay on point... but I am feeling the pain...
Having trouble remebering simple stuff.... at work feeling like a retard sometimes... but my mind is just gone......
not much to report just moody as hell....I want a cookie... and to go to bed... both at the same time...Sunday cant come soon enough...I hope i make it through...
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