Thursday, January 31, 2013


Wow I really enjoy blogging when I get to sit down and do it but lately its been on the fly...anyway enough small talk... its getting to the end of the month and Feb 1 is tomorrow! This month has been flying! I came back from Australia slow to start and back into my fitness thing. Lately I have been tired, feeling at the end of the day I am going for my 3rd win. I am trying to balance so many things right now... Work, diets, workouts (cardio and strength), the hubby, school work, fun for me to stay motivated, volunteer work... I feel like Superwoman but without any sleep! LOL... and I know the difference between when I get sleep and when I don't...I am a morning person when I am rested and a Beech when I am not lol.. and most of my co workers know it... sorry in advance and when I am hungry watch out now! I am trying to get all my workouts done through out the day so hubby can have time in the evening.. this will be his first time with me from Day 1 and I don't want this to turn into me vs him. He has expressed he needs his time with me so that is what he is going to get! I also need to learn when I have to re shuffle my schedule... I swear I inhale my food most of the time just to get the nutrition in and when I think about cheat foods man they are on my brain..i had a dream about pizza lol... that's what I dream about hahaha.. So here is where I am at...

Training- Great 90% of the time, last night I did shoulders/calves and didn't feel like it was as killer as it normally is but it was because I tried evening workouts and only cardio is good for evenings, first thing in the morning strength training at Tori is good since its empty and I know the machines... most of my logbook is from those machines..
I got a new weight belt too, pretty pink Love it! ... I look like a midget powerlifter lol... its fun and I am ordering some dana bailey shirts and Traci S apparel stuff . I freakin love buying workout clothes, I went from shoe addict to workout clothes addict... so when I get paid tonight I will be on line hahhaa..

Diet- Good, I crave freakin brownies and pizza and all the stuff I cant have...but I will kill a rice cake in a heart beat with some almond joke lol

This weekend is posing practice! Yay! and hubby will be golfing so I will get quiet to do my homework and chill out after spin class of course..
I got frustrated this week because of so many misconceptions of female BB and how people are more "disgusted" by them then admiring them. I just can't wrap my head around it... I always tell folks what I do and I get the "oh I can't do that" or "that's too much muscle" ....its strong, its empowering, its an art and unfortunately its one of those things only people who do it understand... I love it though..

Ok brain is shutting down. I am going to call this it lol..need to eat...

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