Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Learning a Lesson in Mental Toughness and Intensity

What an experience today! I did leg day and it was an overwhelming experience and I say that because I have never felt like that before... I have been practicing the mental toughness from the article - Get Mental With The Psychology Of Strength!  

today I took in some sunlight when i woke up, a few minutes of meditation and I actually avoided the typical "mental stress hangups" of work...and it actually made me improve! Granted I wont say it was a happy experience because I was tired....yes I pouted a bit butttt work in progress....attitude adjustment which I will continue practicing "embracing the suck" so to speak... I pushed myself for leg day, I lifted almost 3x's my weight today in squats and pressed with legs more than half the people in the gym, this is not cockiness but more of being proud...because things that appear impossible I have been able to overcome ... My goal is to compete in 8 weeks at an amateur BB competition here , it could happen but regardless I will keep pressing until game day and when its meant to be it will be... My trainer Anne is getting tough with me which I guess makes me a bit "sensitive" however it just means that I gotta get my head in the game... I can only progress to a higher level with less stress and more positive thinking...its sad but I know there are folks who want to see me fail but I will not give them the satisfaction and with the growing support I have been recieving I refuse to let this fall by the waist side...but i will say if your head is not in it to train you will not succeed....

i repeat if your head is not in it you will not succeed...sounds a bit extreme but your mind is what keeps you  motivated, contains your emotions, and determines whether you move forward or backward...this is all lessons, i am learning and hope you all are learning too...

Continue to mentally and physically train hard and stay focused right there with ya! :)


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