Friday, August 3, 2012

2 days......

Ok, 5am peeps, Saturday morning...slept really awkward last night and woke up massively hungry...which is why i am here .. ... and hubby gets up to golf at O dark 30....turning lights on.... *shrugs*....

Got my fingers and toes done yesterday.... french manicure with green tips...on my fingers is the shellac which gives that shiny look and I didnt have to pay a trillion dollars for it versus acrylic which I bite my fingers too much for that...I had them before and would bite the actual fake nail....terrible habit I know....

Been practicing past 2 nights posing with my friend DJ....and couldnt feel more ready....and of course there is a potential typhoon coming here...but it looks like it is going to be here monday or tuesday ....probably not at all..but who knows with this island.... but I am moving forward typhoon or no typhoon....I am ready to just get this my thang...

Tonight is athletes meeting and some practice tweaks which honestly...i may not even need at this point but you can never do it too much...and I feel much closer to having some goodies.... we shall mind wants to eat these things but hell.... I dont even care for milk anymore...and I am huge cereal fan...ahh well...

Taking today to chill, get my water in and food and prepare for tommorow.....just get the tanning done tonight and get rid of these lines on my far so good...

1 comment:

  1. Drea! When is your show? I miss u! Best of luck!
