Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sugar Honey Ice Tea just got real!....

Ok so i been pretty narrow on this journal but today Shit just got real...
My Cleaning lady washed my scale in the dishwasher and its electronic! Not to mention its lightning outside and I didnt know the scale was jacked till i got home......and all i can ask is WHY???????
But after all that...im too tired to be upset lol....so i normally am down to eyeballing things for the weight and protein is already pre weighed and cut so no harm no foul....
man that burned me up....

Ok back to the regularly scheduled program wheeewww!!!...:

So Shoulders and Hamstrings day.... what a exercise...and you know what a trainer is good for too...is accountability.... which is what i want...

the funny thing is no matter how tired i was Annie (my trainer) was like come on....and as much as i wanted to throw a tantrum like a baby i came...no harm no foul right...but she dayum near brought me to my knees ....lol in a good way...not discouraged but still.......today i found my hamstrings...and boy do they hate me now lol....

So two lessons today....dont wash an electronic scale in water and I now know where my hamstring is....

that is all....:

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