Monday, April 23, 2012

Finding a Personal Trainer is like....

the search for a mate......we look and we look until we find that connection....we critique them until WE feel they are up to our standards...granted all the while this potential prospect has no idea, this is what is going on in our minds...and we have EVERY RIGHT to do this....all things considered at stake to include injury, our health, time of course (which is valuable to me that is). I have been fortunate, for some reason "the stars are aligned" and i really didnt necessarily need to critique...i only felt a person out but most of the time instinct normally is your first sign...and my instinct is normally pretty on point...granted im a newbie by to reach my goal i consider a trainer up there alongside your best friend. You are sharing your emotions, your personal issues possibly, everything about your "chi" that affects your workout you share and there a bond is established....

I can say that i have found two of my "best friends"/trainers ..and they are awesome! I feel very fortunate to have crossed paths with them ....and Okinawa was the last place i expected to find cant help who you "love" (cue the happy music) lol

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