Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ava Arm Workout

Today I worked out my arms, and I tried out something different. I read the latest Muscle Fitness & Hers with Ava Cowan on the cover and she had an arm workout that I thought looked pretty cool, something to change it up a bit.

Alot of the exercises were new to me so i started with light weight today just to see where I was at with it..

One Arm Cable Cross Overs 10x10-15x 3 per arm

Straight Bar Tricep Pushdowns 20X15X3

Underhand One arm Cable Curls SS with Overhand One Arm Cable Curls 5x15x3

One Arm Cable Tricep Extensions 5x10x3

I added two more exercises for Biceps

Seated Bicep Curls 5x15x2

One Arm Seated Bicep Curls 20x10x3

Once done with this I did 25 mins on the stepper...which was enough for me.

The arm workout I did like, I was able to see different parts of the arm and feel parts I never worked before, so looks like i may be incorporating into my plan we shall see.....

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